We don't forget names. We just never learn them in the first place!
Were you ever introduced to someone, and two seconds later you asked,
"What was his name?" It's because you weren't trying to
learn their name when you were introduced. It was just like, "Yeah,
hi, nice to meet you," and you didn't even think to try and
remember their name. You know how we know that? Were you ever introduced
to someone really good-looking, someone you wanted to remember and
meet later on? You remembered their name, right? Why? Because you
wanted to learn it. You paid attention. Most people have made a
habit of just "hearing" a name without even trying to
learn it.
When you are introduced to new people, do these three things to
remember their names:
1. Say the name to yourself a few times -- repeat it, repeat it.
2. Say their name out loud once, "Nice to meet you, Jeff."
Don't say it more then once out loud, or then you're getting corny.
3. Use the Maggot Maggy technique. This is one of the best ways
to remember names. Look at the person you are meeting and find something
physically unique about that person. Maybe they are wearing a funky
hat, maybe the have really cool earrings, or maybe they have big
ears. Find something about that person that is unique, and then
associate that something about the person to their name. You might
see someone wearing a funky hat with colorful rings that go around
the sides. Think of her as "The Hat Lady." Then try to
associate hat, or rings, to her name. For example, the reason I
call this the Maggot Maggy technique is because the first time I
tried out this technique, I met a girl named Maggy. She was wearing
a ring with a really small stone. It looked like a Maggot. Every
time I see the ring, I think Maggot and remember Maggy. By the way,
it's not to your benefit to tell the people how you are remembering
their names. You can remember the names of a whole room full of
people which you just met if you use this technique.
Tonight when you go out to a party, use the Maggot Maggy technique
and see how it works. Have some fun!