If you're having trouble remembering, it's not necessarily the fault
of your brain. The problem is that you are not studying the right
way. One thing most people don't realize about memory is that we
can do things to make it better.
You can increase your ability to memorize what you are attempting
to learn by testing yourself in a certain way. If you challenge
yourself to recall the information you have just memorized, and
you succeed, you have increased your memory of that information
ten-fold! The trick is that when you test yourself, you have to
be able to recall the information correctly, so make sure you test
yourself close enough to when you learned the material. If you try
to remember the information and have trouble recalling it, then
you've waited too long -- testing yourself didn't help.
Also note that you don't want to test yourself too soon after you
learn the material either. The timing of when you test your recall
is important. You want to wait as long as possible and still be
able to recall the information correctly. If you test your recall
directly afterwards, then you'll strengthen your memory of the information,
but not as much as if you had waited longer. If you wait too long,
you've lost it and have to re-learn it all. You need to wait as
long as you can, and still recall the information correctly. Each
time you test yourself and get it right, you strengthen your memory
and increase the time until you have to review it.