The three keys to memory are: concentration, desire, and attention.
Concentration -- the degree to which you will remember is the degree
to which you will concentrate. Desire -- you fail to remember because
you fail to want to remember. Attention -- don't attend and you
won't remember. Attention is the necessity of memory.
Pay attention to what you want to know. Forget all the things around
you. Put the things going on around you on a level of low importance,
and attend to what you are reading. Forget all the things around
you for a second and concentrate. When you are studying in the library,
don't look up at every person that walks by. When you are introduced
to somebody, don't just say, yeah, nice to meet you. Some people,
two seconds after they meet someone, don't remember the name of
the person they were just introduced to. Two seconds later it's,
"What was his name?" How many of you have ever done that?
It's because the desire was not there. Because the desire was not
there, neither was the attention nor concentration. How do you know
that? Did you ever meet a good-looking girl or guy, someone you
were really interested in? When you were later asked if you got
his/her name, you remembered it. Amazing. Want to learn? Give the
information your attention, and then concentrate on it, giving it
you highest importance! The three commandments for remembering --
desire it, attend to it, and concentrate on it.