If you're reading below 300 word per minute, you'll never accomplish
all the reading you've got to do in college. Practice the techniques
in this booklet, and you will double your reading speed just like
thousands of students I've have already helped.
You read about 6,000,000 pages over the course of college. At 250
words a minute, you'll spend 400 hours reading. When you double
your speed, you will create 200 hours of free time. You can take
up guitar, take up a job (at $6 hr you could make $1,200 in the
time you save), or have time to travel to another country with the
time you saved. With the extra money you can buy yourself a nice
stereo system with surround sound, take your date to a great restaurant,
buy that special someone a gift. How about 200 more hours to party,
free time, just by learning to double your reading speed?
Practicing these techniques and you will be reading at twice to
triple your reading speed, depending on how focused you are and
how much you desire to improve. It is possible that it will take
you less than a week to triple your speed, if you continue to practice
these simple techniques every day for at least five minutes a day.
That's all it takes, but it's important that you do practice every
day. It's like anything else, you've got to practice before it becomes
natural. Soon it's gonna be like chewing gum -- you'll start reading
faster without even thinking about it.
You know the funny thing is that there are people reading this,
people reading right now, who are not going to practice. They'll
stay at the same slow speed. They won't find time to do the 5 minute
exercise -- they will keep putting it off. If you knew that someone
was going to hand you $238 dollars every day if you practiced your
technique for five minutes, would you go home tonight and practice
it? You bet we all would! That's what it comes down to. Practicing
the technique for 5 minutes a day over the course of a week, and
that doubling your speed saves you $1,200 (it comes to about $238
for each day of practice). It's worth it to practice each day for
a week and see if it works.
Are you going to practice? This is the test, because the people
that practice today are the ones who will benefit. If you answered
yes, commit to it. You have a purpose. Make sure you stick to it.
Only you can assure your own success.
The reason I try and persuade you to practice the technique every
day for the next seven days is that most people, if they weren't
persuaded, would just read the technique, not practice it, and miss
out on all the benefits. This technique helped me triple my speed,
and I want you to double or triple your speed too. I don't want
you to miss out on this. I mentioned the financial numbers of how
much money you can save, to show you what you can gain from reading
faster; I show them to you so that you are convinced, and have enough
leverage against yourself to make yourself practice these techniques.
Here's what you get in simple terms for math majors:
You read 6 million words in college. 6 million/ 250 wpm = 400 hours.
If you double your speed, which you will if you practice the techniques,
you will save 200 hours. At $6/hr = $1,200.
If you figure you do 4 hours of work a day, then that's 50 extra
days you don't have to do work. There's only one catch. You've got
to do the work and practice! That's what's so great about it, it's
all up to you to determine your own success. The question is, are
you dedicated enough to find the 5 minutes each day to practice?
If yes, then get ready for some exciting information, and continue
to read . . .