All you have to do is go to your professor and explain to him why
you are having trouble handing it in on time. Students usually think
college professors are hard, stern, and cold. Students think they
can't speak to their professors. Not true! Speak to your professors
and explain to them that you need more time, and you will usually
get it. Here's a couple of rules about getting extensions: don't
wait until the day before it's due to ask for an extension, and
definitely don't wait until the day after it's due to ask.
If you just go in and speak to your professor a few days before
the paper is due, (I realize that most papers are done the night
before, however), he/she'll usually grant you more time. If you
see ahead of time that you will have a couple of exams at the same
time your paper is due, speak to your professor, or start the paper
today and get it done ahead of time. Both you and I know that you
are not going to write it today, (because, "heck, it's not
due for another few days"), so ask for the extension while
you can. Professors are usually willing to listen, and they are
there to help you learn. By speaking to them, you can show them
you are a good student and that you want to do well.
There was a large paper due in one of my classes, and all the students
in the class were stressing, going crazy, and thinking of pulling
all-nighters. They saw me calm, with no worries, and asked me why
I was not stressing like they were. They couldn't believe I was
able to get an extension. They all went nuts; if they had just asked
the professor for an extension, they would have gotten one too.